Hair: Brown Age: 47 Name: mayorcrossett Marital Status: Separated Height: 5' 6" City: Science Hill, Kentucky

Want to meet people that in KY are like minded and interested in getting to know each other. Naked girls in Spartanburg, South Carolina swingers by towns in Wisconsin. There in no much to say.

Hair: Chestnut Age: 44 Name: Yana1976024 Marital Status: Single Height: 5' 1" City: Louisville, Kentucky
Athletic build.

I love the company of a man that smells good.On Sunday afternoons I like to continue the screwing we started on Saturday night. Sex clubs Albany, NY. I am laid back and easy going Pretty chill but like to have a good time with.very fun and easy to get an long with a really lady back guy just look to see how things go.....x.

Hair: Brown Age: 24 Name: JcHvoslef803 Marital Status: Married Height: 5' 3" City: Premium, Kentucky
Someone like me and who loves sex.. Gender is less important, race irrelevant. My boyfriend. I love love big dick.

I am a home owner. Egipt ass girl sax. I enjoy.

Hair: Blonde Age: 51 Name: Bharris8550 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 2" City: Olmstead, Kentucky
Calling all paypigs and you know who you are pathetic cowardly sissy boys who want to be controlled by a dominatrix and given suitable tasks to complete and be either rewarded or reprimanded depending upon my performance.
Missing some spice in my life and life is too short to waste it on negative things... New to this and unpaid version so message me? Im interested in male/female doesnt matter i love to hang out an enjoy myself and I like laid back ppl not some who's always rushing shit I just want to laugh and have sum good sex.
I need you to help me remember what pleasure feels likeTake me on a physical journey that will leave me feeling as if I just finished a marathon in record timeI have a busy life and family will always be first Leave the bs and the ego behind Bring your desire to take me higher physically while making me a believer mentally A believer A believer that the world stops when were together Light complexioned Alpha KY female Match my energy and truly take me and make me remember what a strong man39s touch isUp for the challenge. - nice connection with someone before...you know.
Hair: Brown Age: 54 Name: Clover1691 Marital Status: Married Height: 5' 4" City: Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
We're in UT and just looking to enjoy some fun together. Just a young pasionate fuck for any woman who wants to cum tonight garanteed; im competetive and not a quitter. Mature women with clit piercings.
Hair: Auburn Age: 30 Name: Miguelvaladao Marital Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 4" City: Louisville, Kentucky
Open minded and fun Couple or lady. New to swinging, wanna explore new kinks. Old enough so we can talk and enjoy each others company, young enough to enjoy things like motorcycles. Fully vax'd for covid keeping up with boosters, non-smoker.
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